My friend sent me this article last week. And I love it.
The stress is real. And the work-life balance conversation is one that we definitely need to keep having. Yet we need to have it in a way that makes us all stop believing—or thinking that we should believe—that we can—or should—have it all.
Because having it all is overrated. (There isn't enough time in the day for us to have even half of it, so how could we possibly find time for all of it?) Because the "I've gotta work harder" tape that runs in our heads needs to replaced with the "I am enough" tape (like switching out a Yanni cassette for the most bad ass mix tape you ever made). Because it's not our fault that our schedules suck and managing bed times is a nightmare and our relationships are slowly unravelling (like the cheap socks I buy at Target).
Being a parent is fucking hard and we all deserve better support.
But I have just one question.
Why in the hell does this kid look more stressed than the mom?! What's he got to worry about? Math? Girls? Meatloaf for dinner AGAIN?!