How's that for a sensational headline?
This video was originally published on The Breakfasteur's YouTube channel last November and it also made the rounds on social media, so maybe you've already seen it. Or maybe, like me, you were too busy drowning in depressing COVID headlines and 24/7 election coverage to even notice it. Either way, I can pretty much guarantee that you have (or had) never (and I mean ne.ver.) seen a mother and son do such things to Play-Doh before. And if you have, please invite me over for a play date. I'll bring the wine.
Despite the mega weird vibe it gives off at first, this video is honest and educational. The mom so gently guides her curious son through the whole procedure in the most non-threatening and life-like way possible. and it's just fascinating. Fascinating not only in the sense that this mom—who is, of course, also a doctor—had the time and wherewithal in the midst of a pandemic to simulate a clay cesarian birth, complete with umbilical cord, bladder clamp and amniotic fluid, but also in the sense that it actually works. The kid is into it! I'm into it. But I'm pretty sure the Spider-Man baby is thrilled to be out of it. That crowning moment looked a little dicey.
Ultimately, I think my favorite part is when they use the NoseFrida SNOTSUCKER to suction the fluid out of the amitotic sack, complete with the appropriate mom-made sound affects. It really is a moment to remember. Play-Doh should probably look into buying this idea and marketing it to every retail store in America. (Think of the Spider-Man co-branding possibilities!) They were the mad geniuses behind the Fuzzy Pumper, after all. What could possibly go wrong?
And if you like this, you'll love The Breakfasteur's other surgical Play-Doh videos. Oh yes, there's more. Check her out!