We've been working hard all week. No one really wants to pay attention anymore. So in honor of Friday and can-I-just-get-through-the-day-so-I-can-binge-Netflix vibes, and because good things come in fives, here a quick and super digestible list of things I learned from my 4 year-old this week. Bon appetit, TGIF and so on. 👊
1. Zero million dollars is a thing.
2. Sometimes all you really do need is a hug.
3. Bubble gum is the cause and solution to most problems, especially at bedtime.
4. “60 pounds” is not only a measure of body mass but also an age. And it means you’re old.
5. There really is no wrong time of the year to read Christmas stories, a fact that is made hyper apparent when it snows in April. (XOXO Mother Nature.)